Cyanotype Mobile


I’ve been doing a lot of quiet contemplation lately. 2020 taught me-not only is it okay to slow down-but it’s mandatory for the sake of my mental health. Over the past year I have spent time collecting photos, pressing plants, and learning how to give myself a break. Part of giving myself a break means […]

January 19, 2021

Ferns On Your Ears


Ferns that hang from trees can now hang from our ears! Here’s the story of this awesome collaboration of two bad ass women! Amber (@gingermadeartisan) and I met in Jacksonville, FL when we both lived there in 2013. Neither of us live in Jax anymore but we’ve followed each other on Instagram for years and […]

December 14, 2020

Blue Buddha


I am part of a writer’s group in SecondLife (virtual reality) and every week we are asked to think about a series of questions. This past week the question was: Literary/artistic pilgrimages – have you ever visited the site of an artist’s home or studio? Does it make a difference to you to see where […]

August 31, 2020

Art & Anxiety


Art has always been a way for me to cope with anxiety. It doesn’t take the anxiety away, necessarily, but it does help give me something else to focus on. When my step father died in 2011 I turned to art. It wasn’t really intentional but I spent a lot of time at home alone […]

June 25, 2020

These Hands


I think a lot about hands. My hands, your hands…animal “hands”. What would we do without them? My gramma was born without a hand. Actually, her left arm ends at her elbow. It’s a genetic defect but when I was a teenager I remember asking her “Gramma, was great gramma on drugs when she had […]

March 11, 2020

Cyanotype Workshop Jax


I had the opportunity to teach a cyanotype workshop this month in Jacksonville, FL at CultivateJax. First let me say that Cultivate is an absolutely inspiring and welcoming space and if you are in Jacksonville you must visit! Secondly, this was a super short trip but this was my first time being back in Jacksonville […]

January 23, 2020

Hey, you…slow down


*I’ll be in Jacksonville at the end of January to teach a cyanotype class. Learn more and buy your ticket HERE. My New Year’s resolution? To slow down. Here’s why. I recently read an article recently that suggested winter is a time to slow down. It rubbed me the wrong way immediately. Who was this […]

January 7, 2020

Inspiration Journals


A few things inspired me to make journals. One-I’ve been thinking about the journal I’m supposed to be working on through The Sketchpad Project…it’s due February and I’ve had it for almost a year. That sounds very artist-y doesn’t it? (Not doing something until the last minute) Also, click HERE to see new items listed […]

December 19, 2019

Cyanotype Workshop 11/3


I had the pleasure of teaching a cyanotype workshop at the beginning of November at Rustic Trading Company, located in Chattanooga. It was my very first time teaching this process to others and I loved it! Feel free to skim through the photos. As part of class, we walked around outside to discuss plants, native […]

November 12, 2019



I’ve always found eco-dying fascinating and I told myself I’d learn more about it some day. When I stumbled upon (literally) some giant black walnuts on the ground, I immediately knew what I was going to do with them. My first experience with black walnut dye was when I was at Penland last Summer (2018). […]

September 26, 2019